Fandom and online spaces LGBTQIA+ Neurodiversity Queer Relationship Diversity

Are friends electric? Online disinhibition and NRE

Most of what you read about online safety is, understandably, about protecting your personal data and not getting scammed. But what about your mental and emotional safety? People from some atomised minority groups who are geographically distant from their peers—LGBTQIA+, neurodivergent, disabled and other identities that are dispersed and struggle to access in-person community—often find […]

LGBTQIA+ Queer Relationship Diversity Uncategorized

Understanding Ace

Asexuality is a relatively newly recognised identity. Although it was first recognised in the 1890s by a clinical sexologist writing at the time, Magnus Hirschfeld, it wasn’t until 2001 that the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) started to bring together asexual people from around the world. 23-29 October is Ace Week – a week […]

LGBTQIA+ Queer Relationship Diversity

Not homosexual as in Charlie & Ben, but gay as in Charlie ❤ Nick

Somewhat late to the party, I’ve recently caught up with Heartstopper, the Netflix queer teen drama based on Alice Oseman’s graphic novels and original Tumblr comic series. The show is a glorious love story, with all the highs and lows of teenage drama and a wonderfully wholesome ending. I could review the show, but there […]

LGBTQIA+ Queer Relationship Diversity Trans

IDAHoBiT 2022 – Inside and Out

17th May is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. The global day helps highlight how far we still must go in fully recognising the rights—and humanity—of LGBTQIA+[1] people all over the world. Most people have heard of Pride—events that celebrate protest and progress made by queer people in rights and acceptance—but fewer people have […]